3ds2mgf command not found

Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 15:47:02 +0200
From: "Despina Michael" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] illuminate a 3ds - new

Hi all,
I am trying to follow the instructions of Giulio in order to illuminate a
model with radiance but I faced some troubles.

First of all, 3ds2mgf command is not found. When I tried all other commands
there in no such a problem so I supposed I have set correct my path. 3ds2mgf
does not appear eihter in this list:
http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/index.htm Does exist such a program
in radiance?

For this reason I decided to make it with an "indirect process" and export my
model as .obj (I used anim8or (www.anim8or.com ) to make model and export it
as 3ds and obj as well)

I used
obj2rad thermos6.obj > thermos6.rad
and successfully thermos6.rad was created.

But when I call
objview thermos6.rad there is the following error:
      oconv -f -r 16384 example.rad /usr/tmp/lt27666.rad >
      oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01"
      rad: error generating octree usr/tmp/ov27666.oct removed

Same error ( oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01")
appears when I call oconv command

Can anyone help me? What I am I doing wrong? How can I solve the problem?
(by the way I have also used 3D studio max to try for a simpler model but the
same problem appears, so I assume that it is not a problem of anim8or

Here are the files i used:
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.rad (430K)
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.3ds (30K)
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.obj (80K)

Hi Despina, gia sou!

re: "command not found"

3ds2mgf needs "to be installed" in the compiled version of RADIANCE. It’s not
available in the initial installation. (I'm using Radiance 3.5 version....)

you have to use "make" to install it.

I hope to have helped.

Vangelis Christakos


Mail enviado através do WebMail/UnB
CPD - Centro de Informática

Gia sou Vangeli :slight_smile:
Thank you for the reply,
that was a useful info.

Although, unfortunately, I don't have administrative priviliges in order to install 3ds2mgf so I guess I have to find another way to do that. Probably use of obj2rad or something like that...



----- Original Message ----- From: "Evangelos D. Christakou" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:25 PM
Subject: [Radiance-general] 3ds2mgf command not found

Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 15:47:02 +0200
From: "Despina Michael" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] illuminate a 3ds - new

Hi all,
I am trying to follow the instructions of Giulio in order to illuminate a
model with radiance but I faced some troubles.

First of all, 3ds2mgf command is not found. When I tried all other commands
there in no such a problem so I supposed I have set correct my path. 3ds2mgf
does not appear eihter in this list:
http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/index.htm Does exist such a program
in radiance?

For this reason I decided to make it with an "indirect process" and export my
model as .obj (I used anim8or (www.anim8or.com ) to make model and export it
as 3ds and obj as well)

I used
obj2rad thermos6.obj > thermos6.rad
and successfully thermos6.rad was created.

But when I call
objview thermos6.rad there is the following error:
      oconv -f -r 16384 example.rad /usr/tmp/lt27666.rad >
      oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01"
      rad: error generating octree usr/tmp/ov27666.oct removed

Same error ( oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01")
appears when I call oconv command

Can anyone help me? What I am I doing wrong? How can I solve the problem?
(by the way I have also used 3D studio max to try for a simpler model but the
same problem appears, so I assume that it is not a problem of anim8or

Here are the files i used:
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.rad (430K)
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.3ds (30K)
www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~cs99dm1/rad/thermos6.obj (80K)

Hi Despina, gia sou!

re: "command not found"

3ds2mgf needs "to be installed" in the compiled version of RADIANCE. It's not
available in the initial installation. (I'm using Radiance 3.5 version....)

you have to use "make" to install it.

I hope to have helped.

Vangelis Christakos

Mail enviado através do WebMail/UnB
CPD - Centro de Informática

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Despina Michael wrote:

Gia sou Vangeli :slight_smile:
Thank you for the reply,
that was a useful info.

Although, unfortunately, I don't have administrative priviliges in order to install 3ds2mgf so I guess I have to find another way to do that. Probably use of obj2rad or something like that...

Hi Despina,

Hmm, this sounds strange, I don't know if I get your question right,
but normally you don't need root or administrator privileges to run a compilation. The 'make' program and a C-Compiler needs to be present, but this is usually the case on any UNIX-like system. If you don't have access to some of the usual places for executables (/usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, etc ) you can store your Radiance programs in your home directory and call them with the path.

Concerning your error message.
oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01"

this looks like a missing material definition, you might write a file
with some Radiance material definitons yourself and name them appropriately.
then you can oconv the material file together with the geometry file


Thanks a lot Carsten, for your answer!
I though that material properties of model were included in .obj file and using obj2rad would "inherit" material properties to .rad file.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Carsten Bauer" <[email protected]>
To: "Radiance general discussion" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] 3ds2mgf command not found

Hi Despina,

Hmm, this sounds strange, I don't know if I get your question right,
but normally you don't need root or administrator privileges to run a compilation. The 'make' program and a C-Compiler needs to be present, but this is usually the case on any UNIX-like system. If you don't have access to some of the usual places for executables (/usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, etc ) you can store your Radiance programs in your home directory and call them with the path.

Concerning your error message.
oconv: fatal - (thermos6.rad): undefined modifier "mesh01"

this looks like a missing material definition, you might write a file
with some Radiance material definitons yourself and name them appropriately.
then you can oconv the material file together with the geometry file


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]