2022 Radiance Workshop in Toronto - Website, Tutorials and Call for Speakers

Dear Radiance friends,

This might be a little early, but I am following up my previous post on 2022 Radiance Workshop dates with some more information.

First of all, we have a very basic website up: https://www.rw2022.com/. This will be the main source of information and place of registration (not there yet) going forward.

Bo Jung from the University of Washington and Stephen Wasilewski from EPFL have both graciously agreed to give tutorials on melanopic HDR capture and the Raytraverse tool respectively. So put that on your calendars.

Finally, the call for presenters is open. If you have an interesting project that you’d like to share with the community, please send us your abstracts!

I am still looking forward to welcoming very many of you in Toronto!
