
Dear All

I'm learning Daysim, and I read that we can convert from AutoCAD to Radiance
using Radout.

Can anyone provide me with available link to download Radout or send it by
email if possible.



You can find links and information on this page:


However, all the AutoCAD scripts are rather out of date now and will
probably not work with newer versions of AutoCAD. Radiance has its own
support for OBJ files (via obj2rad or obj2mesh) so if you can convert
your CAD geometry to obj that might be a way for you.

You also can use SketchUp to load DWG files. If you don't have the Pro
version of SU you need to download a separately available plugin for
DWG/DXF support. Then you can use my own script to export to Radiance
format or directly to Daysim:


And finally, if you have Rhino available there is a new tool for Rhino
that provides (among others) Daysim support:

download: http://www.diva-for-rhino.com/



On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear All

I'm learning Daysim, and I read that we can convert from AutoCAD to Radiance
using Radout.

Can anyone provide me with available link to download Radout or send it by
email if possible.


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]


I haven’t used all these programs before, what is the best & easier method
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.

Thanks a lot Thomas,



-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 1:11 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout


You can find links and information on this page:


However, all the AutoCAD scripts are rather out of date now and will
probably not work with newer versions of AutoCAD. Radiance has its own
support for OBJ files (via obj2rad or obj2mesh) so if you can convert
your CAD geometry to obj that might be a way for you.

You also can use SketchUp to load DWG files. If you don't have the Pro
version of SU you need to download a separately available plugin for
DWG/DXF support. Then you can use my own script to export to Radiance
format or directly to Daysim:


And finally, if you have Rhino available there is a new tool for Rhino
that provides (among others) Daysim support:

download: http://www.diva-for-rhino.com/


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear All

I'm learning Daysim, and I read that we can convert from AutoCAD to


using Radout.

Can anyone provide me with available link to download Radout or send it by
email if possible.


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

That depends on your skills with AutoCAD and which software you have available.
If you are comfortable in AutoCAD then use that to build your geometry
and find a tool that helps you to convert the geometry to OBJ. 3D Max
or Rhino can do that and it doesn't take a lot of skill to import a
file and export it in another format.

If you're new to 3D modeling anyway you can try SketchUp. Compared to
all the other 3D apps out there it is easy and intuitive to use. The
models for DAYSIM will not be too complex either so should be able to
do all your modeling in SketchUp.



On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> wrote:

I haven’t used all these programs before, what is the best & easier method
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.


I still use the old torad program when going from AutoCAD to Radiance. (From what I remember it is slower than radout) Unfortunately there was an autocad version check that kept it from working right on newer AutoCADs. We fixed a layer bug and changed the autocad version to work on 2007. If you are running 2010, you will have to find the comments we added and change from version 17 to whatever version 2010 is (18?).

Below are the contents of torad.lsp. You will have to replace the contents of your file with the following text. Sorry this is long, but I don't think you can attach files.

I believe torad is available from the official radiance website.

Hope that helps.

Mark de la Fuente

;;; ***************************************************************************
;;; torad.lsp
;;; export RADIANCE scene description files from Autocad.
;;; Copyright (C) 1993 by Georg Mischler / Lehrstuhl
;;; fuer Bauphysik ETH Zurich.
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
;;; both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;; all supporting documentation.
;;; Acknowlegdements:
;;; Final developement of this program has been sponsored by Prof. Dr.
;;; B. Keller, Building Physics, Dep. for Architekture ETH Zurich.
;;; The developement environment has been provided by Prof. Dr.
;;; G. Schmitt, Architecture & CAAD ETH Zurich.
;;; Edited by AKS on 9/12/06 to get it to work right. Some errors and
;;; updating were required.
;;; ***************************************************************************

;;; general environment setup.
;;; load compiled files if possible or else sources.

  (setq *torad_preverr* *error*
  *error* '((msg)
      (setq *error* *torad_preverr*)
      (prompt "Load failed for torad.lsp!\n")
      (if (null BD4A)
    (prompt "Extended Lisp compiler not supported on this platform!\n"))
      (princ) ) )
  (if (null *col*) (setq *col* 10))
  (if (null *toradtypelist*) (setq *toradtypelist*
  (if (null *exportsmode*) (setq *exportsmode* "Color" ))
  (if (null *exportnsegs*) (setq *exportnsegs* 16 ))
  (if (null *toraddlgpos*) (setq *toraddlgpos* '(-1 -1)))
  (cond ( (null (or (and BD4A (load "esample.bi4" NIL)) (load "esample" NIL)))
    (prompt "Can't load sampling functions from \"esample.lsp\"!\007\n")
    (exit) )
  (T NIL) )
  (cond ( (null (or (and BD4A (load "vector.bi4" NIL)) (load "vector" NIL)))
    (prompt "Can't load vector functions from \"vector.lsp\"!\007\n")
    (exit) )
  (T NIL) )

;;; ***************************************************************************

(defun *torad_error* (msg)
  ;; error handling for torad.lsp.
  (cond ( (and (/= "console break" msg)
               (/= "Function cancelled" msg))
          (princ msg) ))
  (torad_reset) )

(defun torad_setup ()
  ;; global setup for torad.lsp.
  (regapp "MKVOL_LSP_01")
  (setq *Exportentlist* NIL
        *exportblocklist* NIL
        *FILE* NIL
        *torad_preverr* *error*
        *error* *torad_error*

(defun torad_reset ()
  ;; global reset for torad.lsp.
  (if *FILE* (close *FILE*))
  (setq *error* *torad_preverr*
        *error* *torad_preverr*
        *FILE* NIL
        *exportentlist* NIL
        *exportblocklist* NIL
        *valuablepolylist* NIL )
  (princ) )

;;; ***************************************************************************
(defun c:torad (/ stat fname selset blocklevel home dwg
       filelist matlist erot sun view)
  ;; main control.
  (setq *exporttruelays* (vislaylist)) ; collect names of visible layers.

  ; It is here where the original torad.lsp was loading the dialog only
  ; if the version was 12.
  ; original was (if (and (wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "12*")
  ; This changes it to 16.
  ; Changed the 16 to 17 for ACAD 2007.
  (if (and (wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "17*")
    (findfile "torad.dcl") )
   (setq stat (torad_dlg)
   filelist *toradfilelist* )
   (setq stat -1) )
  (if (> 0 stat)
   (setq filelist (setradparams)
   *toradfilelist* filelist
   stat 1) )
  (cond ( (< 0 stat)
    (setq blocklevel 1)
    (setq fname (strcase (cdr (assoc "prefix" filelist)) T))
    (cond ( (and (assoc "files" filelist)
        (setq selset (ssget)) )
      (makeentlist )
      (setq *valuablepolylist* *toradtypelist*)
      (sampleents selset )
      (while *exportblocklist*
       (sampleblocks blocklevel )
       (setq blocklevel (1+ blocklevel)) )
      (setq matlist (writerad fname))
      (if (assoc "mat" filelist)
       (writeradmatlist fname matlist) )
      (if (setq erot (cdr (assoc "master" filelist)))
       (writeradtot fname erot matlist) )
      (if (assoc "make" filelist)
       (writeradmake fname matlist) ) )
    (T NIL) )
    (if (setq view (cdr (assoc "view" filelist)))
     (writeradview fname view) )
    (if (setq sun (cdr (assoc "light" filelist)))
     (writeradsun fname sun) )
  (T NIL) )
  (torad_reset ) )

;;; GENERAL SETUP **********************************************************

;;; currently supported entity types for torad.
(setq *toradetypes* '(
                ("3DFACE" "\n Planarized faces of 3DFACEs" )
                ("TRACE" "\n Extruded and flat TRACEs" )
                ("SOLID" "\n Extruded and flat SOLIDs" )
                ("CIRCLE" "\n Extruded and flat CIRCLEs" )
                ("ARC" "\n Extruded faces of ARCs" )
                ("LINE" "\n Extruded faces of LINEs" )
                ("PLINE" "\n Extruded faces of 2D-PLINEs" )
                ("WPLINE" "\n Constant width of 2D-PLINES" )
                ("POLYGON" "\nClosed 2d-polylines as POLYGONs" )
                ("PMESH" "\n Faces of 3D-MESHes" )
                ("PFACE" "\n Faces if POLYFACEs" )
                ("POINT" "\n Points as SPHEREs or BUBBLEs" )

(defun setradparams (/ filelist typelist types wcsrot dwg home fname)
  ;; setup on older versions than 12.
  (toradshowitems nil)
  (prompt "\n\n Entity data collected by: ")
  (princ *exportsmode*)
  (prompt "\n Number of segments for circles: ")
  (princ *exportnsegs*)
  (initget "Yes No")
  (cond ( (= "Yes"
    (getkword "\n\n Do you want to change anything? <No>: "))
    (foreach item *toradetypes*
       (toradsetitem (car item) nil))
  ;; It is here where the original torad.lsp was using the wrong proceedure names
  ;; for setradsamplemode and setradnumsegs. The "rad" was left out of the names
  ;; as if there had been a last min. edit to change names. AKS 9/12/06
    (setradsamplemode nil)
    (setradnumsegs nil)
  ( T NIL) )
  (initget "Yes No")
  (cond ( (/= "No" (getkword "\n Write geometry data to file <Yes>?: "))
    (setq filelist '(("files")))
    (initget "Yes No")
    (cond ( (= "Yes"
      (getkword "\n Write organizing control-file <No>?: "))
      (setq wcsrot
       (getreal "\n WCS rotation from East to X <0.0>: ")
       filelist (cons (cons "master" (if wcsrot wcsrot 0.0))
          filelist) )
      (initget "Yes No")
      (if (= "Yes"
      (getkword "\n Write execution rules to makefile <No>?: "))
       (setq filelist (cons '("make") filelist)) ) ) )
    (initget "Yes No")
    (if (= "Yes"
     (getkword "\n Write materials (all same) to file <No>?: "))
     (setq filelist (cons '("mat") filelist)) ) )
  (T NIL) )
  (initget "Yes No")
  (if (= "Yes"
   (getkword "\n Write view to view-file <No>?: "))
   (setq filelist (cons (cons "view" (askview)) filelist)) )
  (initget "Yes No")
  (if (= "Yes"
   (getkword "\n Write sun definition to file <No>?: "))
   (setq filelist (cons (cons "light" (asksun)) filelist)) )
  (setq dwg (getvar "DWGNAME")
  fname (getstring
      (strcat "\n\nprefix for output-file <" dwg ">: ")))
  (if (= 0 (strlen fname)) (setq fname dwg))
  (if (and (= "~" (substr fname 1 1))
     (setq home (getenv "HOME")) )
   (setq fname (strcat home (substr fname 2) )) )
  (cons (cons "prefix" fname) filelist) )

(defun toradshowitems (stdalone / types typelist)
  ;; display setting of sampled entity types.
  (if stdalone (torad_setup))
  (setq types *toradetypes*
  typelist *toradtypelist* )
          (prompt "\n\n TORAD sampling modes:")
  (prompt "\n -------------------------------")
      (prompt "\n\n Collected entities:\n")
  (foreach item types
           (princ (strcat (cadr item) ": "))
           (princ (if (member (car item) typelist) "Y" "N")) )
  (if stdalone (torad_reset)) )

(defun toradsetitem (item stdalone / types old new tstr oldl newl)
  ;; set sampled entity types.
  (if stdalone (torad_setup))
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq oldl *toradtypelist*
        types *toradetypes*
        tstr (assoc item types)
        old (if (member (car tstr) oldl) "Y" "N")
        new (getkword (strcat (cadr tstr) " <" old ">: ")) )
  (cond ( (and new (/= 0 (strlen new))
               (/= old (setq new (substr new 1 1))))
          (setq newl (if (= New "Y")
                         (cons item oldl)
                         (append (cdr (member item oldl))
                                 (cdr (member item (reverse oldl))) ) ) )
    (setq *toradtypelist* newl) )
        (T NIL) )
  (if stdalone (torad_reset)) )

(defun askview (/ vlist num view res)
  ;; set view number to export.
  (setq vlist (list (cons 0 "Current"))
  num 0
  res -1)
  (while (setq view (tblnext "VIEW" (not view)))
   (setq num (1+ num)
      vlist (cons (cons num (cdr (assoc 2 view))) vlist) ) )
  (prompt "\nNUMBER VIEW")
  (prompt "\n------------\n")
  (foreach item (reverse vlist)
     (princ (car item))(princ (strcat " " (cdr item) "\n")) )
  (while (and res (or (> 0 res)(< num res)))
   (setq res (getint "\n View Number <0>: ")) )
  (if res res 0) )

(defun asksun (/ vlist val)
  ;; set lighting parameters.
  (foreach item '(("\n Hour <16.5>: " 16.5 T )
      ("\n Day <01>: " 01 NIL )
      ("\n Month <08>: " 08 NIL )
      ("\n Timezone <-1>: " -1 NIL )
      ("\n Latitude <47.5>: " 47.5 T )
      ("\nLongitude <-8.5>: " -8.5 T ) )
     (if (null (setq val (if (last item)
           (getreal (car item))
           (getint (car item)) )))
      (setq val (cadr item)) )
     (setq vlist (cons (if (last item)(rtos val)(itoa val)) vlist)) )
  vlist )

;;; SAMPLING SETUP ***********************************************************

(defun setradsamplemode (stdalone / samplemode)
  ;; set sorting criteria.
  (if stdalone (torad_setup))
  (initget "Layer Toplayer Color")
  (setq samplemode *exportsmode*
        samplemode (getkword (strcat "\n\ncollect data by Color/Layer/Toplayer <" samplemode ">: ") ) )
  (if samplemode (setq *exportsmode* samplemode))
  (if stdalone (torad_reset)) )

(defun setradnumsegs (stdalone / numsegs)
  ;; set arc smoothing.
  (if stdalone (torad_setup))
  (setq numsegs *exportnsegs*
        numsegs (getint (strcat "\nNumber of segments for circles (arcs) <"
                                     (itoa numsegs) ">: ") ) )
  (if numsegs (setq *exportnsegs* numsegs))
  (if stdalone (torad_reset)) )

;;; DIALOG BOX CALL FOR TORAD *************************************************

(defun torad_dlg (/ dcl_id typelist dwgname dwgprefix num view viewlist stat)
  ;; dialog box control for Autocad 12 and later (?).
  (setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname")
  dwgprefix (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") "*")
  num 0 )
  (if (wcmatch dwgname dwgprefix)
   (setq dwgname (strcat "./" (substr dwgname (strlen dwgprefix)))) )
  ;; load and execute dialog if possible.
  (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "torad.dcl"))
  (cond ( (> 0 dcl_id)
    (alert "\nCouldn't load dialog!")
    (setq stat -1))
  ( (not (new_dialog "radiance" dcl_id "" *toraddlgpos*))
    (alert "\nCouldn't open dialog!")
    (setq stat -1) )
   ;; setup view list.
   (start_list "viewlist" 3)
   (add_list "current")
   (while (setq view (tblnext "VIEW" (not view)))
    (setq viewlist (cons (cons num view) viewlist)
       num (1+ num) )
    (add_list (cdadr view)) )
   ;; setup entity types
   (mapcar '(lambda (item)
        (set_tile (car item)
         (if (member (car item) *toradtypelist*)
          "1" "0" ) ) )
   ;; setup filetypes section.
   (mode_tile "viewlist" 1)
   (mode_tile "sunvals" 1)
   (mode_tile "masterblock" 1)
   (mode_tile "prefix" 2)
   ;; setup default values.
   (set_tile "prefix" dwgname)
   (set_tile "make" "1")
   (set_tile "nsegs" (itoa *exportnsegs*))
   (set_tile "sample" *exportsmode*)
   ;; initialize callback functions.
   (action_tile "files" "(toggle_files)")
   (action_tile "master" "(toggle_master)")
   (action_tile "light" "(toggle_light)")
   (action_tile "view" "(toggle_view)")
   (action_tile "prefix" "(torad_enddlg)")
   (action_tile "accept" "(torad_enddlg)")
   (action_tile "cancel" "(torad_candlg)")
   ;; go for it.
   (setq stat (start_dialog))
   (unload_dialog dcl_id)
  stat )

(defun toggle_light ()
  ;; callback for sunlight toggle.
  (cond ( (= "1" (get_tile "light"))
    (mode_tile "sunvals" 0)
    (mode_tile "long" 2) )
  (T (mode_tile "sunvals" 1)
   (mode_tile "prefix" 2) ) ) )

(defun toggle_master ()
  ;; calback for masterfile toggle.
  (if (= "1" (get_tile "master"))
   (mode_tile "masterblock" 0)
   (mode_tile "masterblock" 1) ) )

(defun toggle_view ()
  ;; callback for viewfile toggle.
  (if (= "1" (get_tile "view"))
   (mode_tile "viewlist" 0)
   (mode_tile "viewlist" 1) ) )

(defun toggle_files ()
  ;; callback for geometry files toggle.
  (cond ( (= "1" (get_tile "files"))
    (mode_tile "filelist" 0)
    (mode_tile "modes" 0)
    (mode_tile "auxf" 0)
    (toggle_master) )
   (mode_tile "filelist" 1)
   (mode_tile "modes" 1)
   (mode_tile "auxf" 1) ) ) )

(defun torad_enddlg ()
  ;; callback for accepting dialog.
  ;; accepted if 'ok' or return in prefix field.
  (cond ( (= 2 $reason) nil)
  ( T (getraddlgvalues)) ) )

(defun getraddlgvalues (/ home filelist lightlist typelist nmodl samplebase
     prefix errval make lightval radtypelist samplemode east numsegs)
  ;; extract data if possible and close dialog box.
  ;; else give alert and stay.
  (cond ( (= "1" (get_tile "files"))
    (setq typelist *toradetypes*)
    (mapcar '(lambda (item)
         (if (= "1" (get_tile (car item)))
          (setq nmodl (cons (car item) nmodl)) ) )
      typelist )
    (setq radtypelist nmodl
    samplemode (get_tile "sample")
    numsegs (read (get_tile "nsegs"))
    filelist '(("files"))
    samplebase '(("mat")("master")("make")("view")("light") ) ) )
  (T (setq samplebase '(("view")("light"))) ) )
  (mapcar '(lambda (item)
       (if (= "1" (get_tile (car item)))
        (setq filelist (cons item filelist)) ) )
    samplebase )
  (cond ( (assoc "master" filelist)
    (setq east (read (get_tile "WCS rotation")))
    (if (numberp east)
     (setq filelist (subst (cons "master" east) '("master") filelist))
     (setq errval "WCS rotation") ) )
  (T (if (setq make (member '("make") filelist))
      (setq filelist (append (cdr make)
           (cdr (member '("make")
               (reverse filelist))))) ) ) )
  (cond ( (assoc "light" filelist)
    (mapcar '(lambda (item)
         (setq lightval (read (get_tile item)))
         (if (numberp lightval)
          (setq lightlist (cons (get_tile item) lightlist))
          (setq errval item) ) )
      '("Hour""Day""Month""TZ""Latitude""Longitude") )
    (setq filelist (subst (cons "light" lightlist) '("light") filelist)) )
  (T NIL) )
  (if (assoc "view" filelist)
   (setq filelist (subst (cons "view" (read (get_tile "viewlist")))
       '("view") filelist) ) )
  (setq prefix (get_tile "prefix"))
  (if (and (= "~" (substr prefix 1 1))
     (setq home (getenv "HOME")) )
   (setq prefix (strcat home (substr prefix 2))) )
  (setq filelist (cons (cons "prefix" prefix) filelist))
  (cond ( (and numsegs (not (numberp numsegs)))
    (mode_tile "nsegs" 2)
    (mode_tile "nsegs" 3)
    (alert "Please enter a NUMBER for \"Number of Segments\" !") )
  ( errval
   (mode_tile errval 2)
   (mode_tile errval 3)
   (alert (strcat "Please enter a NUMBER for \"" errval "\" !")) )
  (T (if numsegs (setq *exportnsegs* numsegs))
     (if samplemode (setq *exportsmode* samplemode))
     (if filelist (setq *toradfilelist* filelist))
     (if radtypelist (setq *toradtypelist* radtypelist))
     (setq *toraddlgpos* (done_dialog 1)) ) ) )

(defun torad_candlg ()
  ;; cancel button selected.
  (setq *toraddlgpos* (done_dialog 0)) )

;;; WRITES ******************************************************************

(defun writerad (fname / lplist lay radname radfname radfile ename matlist)
  ;; open files for radiance geometry description.
  (prompt "\nwriting out radiance-files:\n")
  (foreach lplist *exportentlist*
           (cond ( (cdr lplist)
               (setq lay (strcase (strcat (if (= "Color" *exportsmode*)
                                     "c_" "l_") (regulatename (car lplist)) ) T )
                     radname (strcat (noprefix fname) "_" lay)
                     radfname (strcat fname "_" lay ".rad") )
               (cond ( (setq radfile (setq *FILE* (open radfname "w")))
                       (writeradlist fname lplist lay radname radfname radfile)
                       (setq matlist (cons (list lay radname radfname) matlist))
                       (close radfile)
                       (setq *FILE* NIL) )
                     ( T (prompt "\nCan't open file \"" radfname
                                 "\" for write! ") ) ) )
                 (T NIL) ) )
  matlist )

(defun writeradlist (fname lplist lay radname radfname radfile
                           / ename contele num numstep numtot polylist)
  ;; write radiance geometry description.
  (princ (strcat "### Radiance scene-file: " radfname) radfile)
  (princ (strcat "\n### Created: " (datestring)) radfile)
  (princ "\n### TORAD.LSP by Georg Mischler\n\n" radfile)
  (princ "### make sure material " radfile) (princ radname radfile)
  (princ " is defined in a previous file!\n" radfile)
  (princ "\n### polygons for object " radfile)
  (princ radname radfile) (princ "\n" radfile)
  (setq num 0
        numtot (length lplist)
        numstep 0 )
  (while (> numtot numstep)
         (prompt (strcat " file: " radfname " "
                         (itoa numstep) "/" (itoa numtot) " \r"))
         (setq numstep (min (+ numstep 10) numtot))
         (while (< num numstep)
                (setq lplist (cdr lplist)
                      ename (car lplist)
                      num (1+ num) )
                (if (listp ename)
                    (setq contele (reverse (cdr ename))
                          ename (car ename))
                    (setq contele nil) )
                (writeradents ename contele radfile radname num) ) )
  (prompt (strcat " file: " radfname " " (itoa numstep) " \n")) )

(defun writeradents (ename conte rfile radname num / typ data)
  ;; dispatch entities to extraction and write functions.
  (if ename (setq data (entget ename)
                  TYP (getetype data) ))
  (cond ( (valuablepoly typ)
          (cond ( (equal typ "LINE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (linetopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "PLINE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num
        (plinetopoly data 1 *exportnsegs*)) )
                ( (equal typ "POLYGON")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num
        (plinetopoly data 2 *exportnsegs*)) )
                ( (equal typ "WPLINE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num
        (plinetopoly data 3 *exportnsegs*)) )
                ( (equal typ "PMESH")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (meshtopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "PFACE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (pfacetopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "3DFACE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (facetopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "TRACE")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (tracetopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "SOLID")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num (tracetopoly data)) )
                ( (equal typ "CIRCLE")
                  (writeradcircle conte rfile radname num (circletorad data)) )
                ( (equal typ "ARC")
                  (writeradpoly conte rfile radname num
        (arctopoly data *exportnsegs*)) )
                ( (equal typ "POINT")
                  (writeradpoint conte rfile radname num (pointtorad data)) )
                (T NIL) ) )
        ( T NIL) ) )

(defun writeradpoly (contele radfile radname num polylist / len polnum)
  ;; write polygon lists to file.
  (if contele (setq polylist (trans_back polylist contele)))
  ;(showpolylist polylist) ; visual debugging.
  (setq polnum 0)
  (foreach poly polylist
           (cond ( (and poly (< 2 (setq len (length poly))))
                   (setq polnum (1+ polnum))
                   (princ (strcat "\n" radname " polygon " radname "."
                                  (itoa num) "." (itoa polnum)) radfile )
                   (princ "\n0\n0\n" radfile)
                   (princ (* len 3) radfile)
                   (foreach pt poly (printradpoint pt radfile))
                   (princ "\n" radfile) )
                 (T nil) ) ) )

(defun writeradcircle (contele radfile radname num polylist / len rad typ xname)
  ;; write circles as rings cylinders or tubes.
  (setq len (car polylist)
        rad (cadr polylist)
        xname (strcat radname "." (itoa num))
        polylist (if contele (car (trans_back (caddr polylist) contele))
                     (caaddr polylist) ) )
  (cond ( (= 0.0 len)
          (princ (strcat "\n" radname " ring " xname "\n0\n0\n8") radfile)
          (printradpoint (car polylist) radfile)
          (printradpoint (vector (car polylist)(cadr polylist)) radfile)
          (princ (strcat " 0 " (rtos rad) "\n" ) radfile) )
        ( T
         (cond ( (> 0.0 len) (setq typ "tube"))
               ( T (setq typ "cylinder")) )
         (princ (strcat "\n" radname " " typ " " xname ".1\n0\n0\n7") radfile)
          (printradpoint (car polylist) radfile)
          (printradpoint (cadr polylist) radfile)
          (princ (strcat " " (rtos rad) "\n") radfile)
          (princ (strcat "\n" radname " ring " xname ".2\n0\n0\n8") radfile)
          (printradpoint (cadr polylist) radfile)
          (printradpoint (vector (car polylist)(cadr polylist)) radfile)
          (princ (strcat " 0 " (rtos rad) "\n" ) radfile)
          (princ (strcat "\n" radname " ring " xname ".3\n0\n0\n8") radfile)
          (printradpoint (car polylist) radfile)
          (printradpoint (vector (cadr polylist)(car polylist)) radfile)
          (princ (strcat " 0 " (rtos rad) "\n" ) radfile) ) ) )

(defun writeradpoint (conte rfile rname num polylist / center radius typ xname)
  ;; write point entities to file as spheres or bubbles.
  (setq radius (car polylist))
  (if (= 0.0 radius) (setq radius (getvar "PDSIZE")))
  (cond ( (= 0.0 radius) NIL)
        ( (< 0.0 radius) (setq typ "sphere"))
        ( (> 0.0 radius) (setq typ "bubble")) )
  (cond ( typ
         (setq xname (strcat rname "." (itoa num))
               center (caar (if conte
                                (trans_back (cadr polylist) conte)
                                (cadr polylist) ))
         (princ (strcat "\n" rname " " typ " " xname "\n0\n0\n4") rfile)
         (printradpoint center rfile)
         (princ (strcat " " (rtos radius) "\n") rfile) ) ) )

(defun printradpoint (point radfile)
  ;; write a single vertex to file.
  (foreach number point
           (princ " " radfile)
           (princ (shortnumstr number 11) radfile) )
           (princ "\n" radfile) )

;;; WRITE ADDITIONAL CONTROL INFORMATION ************************************

(defun writeradsun (fname sun / sunfname sfname sunfile)
  ;; write a file containing a description of natural lighting.
  ;; generate a call to gensky and the source for the sky for time and place.
  (setq sunfname (strcat fname ".sun")
  sfname (noprefix sunfname) )
  (cond ( (setq sunfile (setq *FILE* (open sunfname "w")))
    (princ (strcat "\nCreating sun-file: " sunfname))
    (princ (strcat "### Radiance Sun-definition-file: " sfname) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Created: " (datestring)) sunfile)
    (princ "\n### TORAD.LSP by Georg Mischler\n" sunfile)
    (princ "\n### Sun and sky definition at:" sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Longitude: " (nth 0 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Latitude: " (nth 1 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Timezone: " (nth 2 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Month: " (nth 3 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Day: " (nth 4 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat "\n### Hour: " (nth 5 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ "\n\n!gensky " sunfile)
    (princ (strcat (nth 3 sun) " " (nth 4 sun) " " (nth 5 sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat " -o " (car sun) " -a " (cadr sun)) sunfile)
    (princ (strcat " -m " (rtos (* 15 (read (caddr sun)))) "\n") sunfile)
          (princ "\nskyfunc glow skyglow\n0\n0\n4 0.9 0.9 1 0\n" sunfile)
          (princ "\nskyglow source sky\n0\n0\n4 0 0 1 180\n" sunfile) )
  (T (princ (strcat "\nCan't open material-file " sunfname
        " for write."))) ) )

(defun writeradmatlist (fname matlist / matfname matfile sfname)
  ;; write a list of materials from the used modifier names.
  ;; materials are all plastic of a constant grey.
  (setq matfname (strcat fname ".mat")
        sfname (noprefix fname) )
  (cond ( (setq matfile (setq *FILE* (open matfname "w")))
          (princ (strcat "\nCreating material-file: " matfname))
          (princ (strcat "### Radiance material-file: " sfname ".mat") matfile)
          (princ (strcat "\n### Created: " (datestring)) matfile)
          (princ "\n### TORAD.LSP by Georg Mischler\n\n" matfile)

          (foreach mat matlist
                   (princ (strcat "\nvoid plastic " (cadr mat)) matfile)
                   (princ "\n0\n0\n5 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.0 0.0\n" matfile)
          (close matfile)
          (setq *FILE* NIL) )
        (T (princ (strcat "\nCan't open material-file " matfname
        " for write." ))) ) )

(defun writeradtot (fname erot matlist / totfname totfile sfname infunc)
  ;; write a controlling master file to combine all the written data
  ;; into a complete RADIANCE scene description.
  (setq totfname (strcat fname ".rad")
        sfname (noprefix fname)
  infunc (if (/= 0.0 erot)
       (strcat "\n!xform -rz " (rtos erot) " ")
       "\n!cat " ) )
  (cond ( (setq totfile (setq *FILE* (open totfname "w")))
          (princ (strcat "\nCreating Master-file: " totfname))
          (princ (strcat "### Radiance Master-file: " sfname ".rad") totfile)
          (princ (strcat "\n### Created: " (datestring)) totfile)
          (princ "\n### TORAD.LSP by Georg Mischler\n\n" totfile)
    (if (assoc "light" *toradfilelist*)
     (princ (strcat infunc sfname ".sun\n\n") totfile) )
    (if (assoc "mat" *toradfilelist*)
     (princ (strcat "!cat " sfname ".mat\n\n") totfile) )
          (foreach mat matlist
                   (princ (strcat "!cat " (cadr mat) ".rad\n" ) totfile) )
          (close totfile)
          (setq *FILE* NIL) )
        (T (princ (strcat "\nCan't open Master-file "
                          totfname " for write.") )) ) )

(defun writeradview (fname viewnum / viewfname vdir vpoint vmode target
         lensl twist zvect vsize vlist viewfile)
  ;; write a RADIANCE viewfile either from the current view or
  ;; from a named view from the view table.
  (setq viewfname (strcat fname ".view"))
  (cond ( (= 0 viewnum)
    (setq vdir (trans (getvar "VIEWDIR") 1 0 T)
    vmode (getvar "VIEWMODE")
    target (if (= 0 vmode)(getvar "VIEWCTR")(getvar "TARGET"))
    vpoint (transl-p (trans target 1 0 T) vdir 1.0)
    lensl (getvar "LENSLENGTH")
    twist (getvar "VIEWTWIST")
    zvect (trans '(0.0 1.0 0.0) 2 0 T) ) )
   (repeat viewnum (setq vlist (tblnext "VIEW" (not vlist))) )
   (setq vdir (cdr (assoc 11 vlist))
      vmode (cdr (assoc 71 vlist))
      target (cdr (if (= 0 vmode) ; keep it simple...
          (append (mapcar '+ (assoc 10 vlist)
            (assoc 12 vlist) )'(0.0))
          (assoc 12 vlist) ))
      vpoint (transl-p target vdir 1.0)
      lensl (cdr (assoc 42 vlist))
      twist (cdr (assoc 50 vlist))
      zvect (vect-prod '(0.0 0.0 1.0) vdir)
      zvect (if (equal '(0.0 0.0 0.0) zvect 0.0000001)
       '(0.0 0.1 0.0)
       (vect-prod vdir zvect) ) ) ) )
  (if (= 0 vmode)
   (setq vsize (rtos (getvar "VIEWSIZE")))
   (setq vsize (rtos (/ (* 360 (atan (/ 12.0 lensl))) pi))) )
  (setq vdir (mapcar '- vdir))
  (if (and (< 0 viewnum) (/= 0.0 twist))
   (setq zvect (transf-p zvect (rot-3d-matrix (normalize vdir) twist))) )
  (if (and (< 0.7 (caddr zvect))(= 0.0 twist))
   (setq zvect '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) )
  (cond ( (setq viewfile (setq *FILE* (open viewfname "w")))
          (princ (strcat "\nCreating View-file: " fname ".view"))
          (princ "rview -vt" viewfile)
          (princ (if (= 1 vmode) "v -vp " "l -vp ") viewfile)
          (mapcar '(lambda (pt) (princ (strcat (rtos pt) " ") viewfile)) vpoint )
    (princ " -vd " viewfile)
          (mapcar '(lambda (pt) (princ (strcat (rtos pt) " ") viewfile)) vdir)
          (princ " -vu " viewfile)
          (mapcar '(lambda (pt) (princ (strcat (rtos pt) " ") viewfile)) zvect )
    (princ (strcat " -vh " vsize " -vv " vsize " -vs 0 -vl 0\n") viewfile)
          (close viewfile)
          (setq *FILE* NIL) )
        (T (princ (strcat "\nCan't open view-file "
                                    viewfname " for write." ))) ) )

(defun writeradmake (fname matlist / makefname makefile sfname)
  ;; write a makefile for the UNIX utility make containing rules for
  ;; octree conversion, previewing with rview and batch rendering with rpict.
  (setq sfname (noprefix fname)
  makefname (strcat (substr fname 1 (- (strlen fname)
                                             (strlen sfname))) "makefile" ) )
  (cond ( (setq makefile (setq *FILE* (open makefname "w")))
          (princ (strcat "\nCreating makefile: " makefname))
          (princ (strcat "### makefile for Radiance-file: "sfname".rad")makefile) (princ (strcat "\n### Created: " (datestring)) makefile)
          (princ "\n### TORAD.LSP by Georg Mischler\n\n" makefile)
    (princ "\nall:\n\t@echo \" make what?\"" makefile)
    (princ "\n\t@echo \" enter \\\"make view\\\" or \\\"make pict\\\"\"\n" makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\nview:" sfname ".oct") makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\n\trview -ab 2 -vf " sfname".view "
                         sfname".oct &\n")makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\npict:" sfname ".oct") makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\n\trpict -ab 2 -vf " sfname".view "
                         sfname".oct > " sfname ".pic &\n")makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\n" sfname ".oct: ") makefile)
          (princ (strcat " \\\n " sfname ".rad ") makefile)
          (foreach mat matlist
                   (princ (strcat " \\\n " (cadr mat) ".rad") makefile))
          (princ (strcat "\n\toconv "sfname".rad > "sfname".oct\n") makefile)
          (princ (strcat "\nclean:\n\t @rm " sfname".oct\n") makefile)
          (close makefile)
          (setq *FILE* NIL) )
        (T (princ (strcat "\nCan't open makefile "
                          makefname " for write." ))) ) )

;;; ***************************************************************************
(defun regulatename (name / pos char)
  ;; eliminate illegal characters in filenames.
  (setq pos 1)
  (repeat (strlen name)
    (setq char (substr name pos 1))
    (if (or (= char "|")(= char "$"))
     (setq name (strcat (substr name 1 (1- pos))
         (substr name (1+ pos)))))
    (setq pos (1+ pos)) )
  name )

(defun circletorad (data / center1 center2 radius dist plist)
  ;; extract a description of a circle for 'writeradcircle'.
  (setq center1 (cdr (assoc 10 data))
        radius (cdr (assoc 40 data))
        dist (cdr (assoc 39 data))
        center2 (list (car center1)(cadr center1)
                      (+ (caddr center1) (if dist dist 1.0)) )
        plist (trans_back (list (List center2 center1))
                          (list (cdr (assoc -1 data)))) )
  (list (if dist dist 0.0) radius plist) )

(defun pointtorad (data / center rad)
  ;; extract a description of a point for 'writeradpoint'.
  (setq center (cdr (assoc 10 data))
        rad (cdr (assoc 39 data))
        rad (if (and rad (/= 0.0 rad)) rad 0.0) )
  (list rad (list (list center))) )

;;; ***************************************************************************

  (prompt "\n-- TORAD.LSP - 1993 by Georg Mischler --\n")
  (prompt "\n Enter \"TORAD\" for writing Radiance files.")
  (torad_reset) )

;;; ***************************************************************************
;;; end of torad.lsp.
;;; ***************************************************************************

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One other hint... for anyone who is entering the world of building models, I can recommend formZ. It combines CAD and modelling features and supports a broad range of 2d and 3d formats. We have used it with success to create models for Radiance via dxf (and then Schorsch's dxf2rad) and obj, and I have also verified that you could even use brlcad as a converter to keep all CAD data in IGES and convert iges-obj-Radiance (that would mean a neutral CAD standard linked to Radiance).

However the most important is to learn modeling for simulation is different from producing architectural drawings. And... I usually use a text editor for that reason, no CAD.

Cheers, Lars.

I thought Greg and John were the only maniacs who used vi to build 3D
models. Wow. In all seriousness, I have used text editors for some
models/layouts too, but only simple stuff. It definitely has its advantages,
but whenever I need to model any really complex geometry I get brain damage
trying to work out all the points.

- Rob


On 8/5/10 8:12 AM, "Lars O. Grobe" <[email protected]> wrote:

However the most important is to learn modeling for simulation is
different from producing architectural drawings. And... I usually use a
text editor for that reason, no CAD.

Cheers, Lars.

What version of BRAIN are you running? There might be a patch for it ...




On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Guglielmetti, Robert <[email protected]> wrote:

but whenever I need to model any really complex geometry I get brain damage
trying to work out all the points.

It's a beta. (get it?)


On 8/5/10 8:32 AM, "Thomas Bleicher" <[email protected]> wrote:

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Guglielmetti, Robert > <[email protected]> wrote:

but whenever I need to model any really complex geometry I get brain damage
trying to work out all the points.

What version of BRAIN are you running? There might be a patch for it ...



Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Thanks All for your support.

Please Lars can you explain more about Brlcad and IGES? What Is the best
method for a beginner to start making 3D modeling to use in Daysim?


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lars O.
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:12 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout

One other hint... for anyone who is entering the world of building
models, I can recommend formZ. It combines CAD and modelling features
and supports a broad range of 2d and 3d formats. We have used it with
success to create models for Radiance via dxf (and then Schorsch's
dxf2rad) and obj, and I have also verified that you could even use
brlcad as a converter to keep all CAD data in IGES and convert
iges-obj-Radiance (that would mean a neutral CAD standard linked to

However the most important is to learn modeling for simulation is
different from producing architectural drawings. And... I usually use a
text editor for that reason, no CAD.

Cheers, Lars.

I check this link that doesn't work:


Is there any other address?


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:02 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> wrote:

I haven't used all these programs before, what is the best & easier method
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.

That depends on your skills with AutoCAD and which software you have
If you are comfortable in AutoCAD then use that to build your geometry
and find a tool that helps you to convert the geometry to OBJ. 3D Max
or Rhino can do that and it doesn't take a lot of skill to import a
file and export it in another format.

If you're new to 3D modeling anyway you can try SketchUp. Compared to
all the other 3D apps out there it is easy and intuitive to use. The
models for DAYSIM will not be too complex either so should be able to
do all your modeling in SketchUp.


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Hi Hind,

I think that Schorsch's site has been down for awhile now. Radout has not really been actively maintained for quite some time.

Maybe if you can give us an idea of what modeling tools you have available or would like to use we can help answer relative to those....




# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Hind Dirani wrote:

I check this link that doesn't work:


Is there any other address?

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Thomas
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:02 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> wrote:

I haven't used all these programs before, what is the best & easier method
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.
That depends on your skills with AutoCAD and which software you have
If you are comfortable in AutoCAD then use that to build your geometry
and find a tool that helps you to convert the geometry to OBJ. 3D Max
or Rhino can do that and it doesn't take a lot of skill to import a
file and export it in another format.

If you're new to 3D modeling anyway you can try SketchUp. Compared to
all the other 3D apps out there it is easy and intuitive to use. The
models for DAYSIM will not be too complex either so should be able to
do all your modeling in SketchUp.


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Hi Jack,

I have only AutoCAD 2008 and 2010. I've downloaded from internet 3dsout
file, I knew how to use it from their site, I took an AutoCAD example from
Daysim files and I generate a file .3ds but this file .3ds didn’t work in
What is your suggestion?

Thanks a lot


Hi Hind,

I think that Schorsch's site has been down for awhile now. Radout has
not really been actively maintained for quite some time.

Maybe if you can give us an idea of what modeling tools you have
available or would like to use we can help answer relative to those....



# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Hind Dirani wrote:

I check this link that doesn't work:


Is there any other address?

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:02 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> >> wrote:

I haven't used all these programs before, what is the best & easier
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.

That depends on your skills with AutoCAD and which software you have
If you are comfortable in AutoCAD then use that to build your geometry
and find a tool that helps you to convert the geometry to OBJ. 3D Max
or Rhino can do that and it doesn't take a lot of skill to import a
file and export it in another format.

If you're new to 3D modeling anyway you can try SketchUp. Compared to
all the other 3D apps out there it is easy and intuitive to use. The
models for DAYSIM will not be too complex either so should be able to
do all your modeling in SketchUp.


Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

Radiance-general mailing list
[email protected]

If you want to stick with AutoCAD, have you tried TORAD.lsp that has been posted (with modification as required for your version)?

My 2 cents on other options...

I would comment that Rhino and Sketchup both produce good OBJ files that can be converted with obj2rad. You will have to start paying attention to material assignments (instead of or in addition to layers that you would have been used to in AutoCAD). Rhino is probably more expensive, but handles curved geometry much better, and has a more flexible command line interface similar to AutoCAD. Sketchup focuses on being more intuitive, but can be limited in some ways like coordinate entry. Sketchup has the su2rad plugin, and Rhino now has DIVA for additional options to get models into Radiance based simulations.

Lars has suggested FormZ, which seems comparable to Rhino but maybe less popular.

There is also Blender, which is an open source software similar to 3DSMax. It claims to export to OBJ, so may be a good try for a free test before putting money into another modeling package.


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systems are scanned for acceptability of content and viruses

Hi Hind,

Are you using Daysim under linux or windows?

One option would be to obtain SketchUp (the free version should be fine) and see if you can import the 3ds file output from Autocad. If so you should be able to use either the su2rad or su2ds applets:


This would be one way to get something into Daysim.



# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Hind Dirani wrote:

Hi Jack,

I have only AutoCAD 2008 and 2010. I've downloaded from internet 3dsout
file, I knew how to use it from their site, I took an AutoCAD example from
Daysim files and I generate a file .3ds but this file .3ds didn’t work in
What is your suggestion?

Thanks a lot

Hi Hind,

I think that Schorsch's site has been down for awhile now. Radout has
not really been actively maintained for quite some time.

Maybe if you can give us an idea of what modeling tools you have
available or would like to use we can help answer relative to those....



# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Hind Dirani wrote:

I check this link that doesn't work:


Is there any other address?

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:02 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] Radout

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Hind Dirani <[email protected]> >>> wrote:

I haven't used all these programs before, what is the best & easier
(program) to build a 3D model that can be use in Daysin.

That depends on your skills with AutoCAD and which software you have
If you are comfortable in AutoCAD then use that to build your geometry
and find a tool that helps you to convert the geometry to OBJ. 3D Max
or Rhino can do that and it doesn't take a lot of skill to import a
file and export it in another format.

If you're new to 3D modeling anyway you can try SketchUp. Compared to
all the other 3D apps out there it is easy and intuitive to use. The
models for DAYSIM will not be too complex either so should be able to
do all your modeling in SketchUp.


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I would agree with Christopher on Rhino and Sketchup. Blender does export obj also and does seem to be a robust application, although my main experience with it has been testing it to process obj geometry.

I think the challenge is figuring out a suitable workflow for those who need to use Autocad for whatever reason.... However the traditional options (TORAD and RADOUT) are pretty ancient at this point and have the following problems:

    * TORAD - if I recall correctly this still only deals with surface
      geometry which is fine if you know how to model this way...
    * RADOUT - same issue as TORAD with respect to geometry and the last
      version of Autocad that it could run in was Autocad 2000

For me I think that the most suitable intermediate geometry format is OBJ. It is open and there are lots of applications that can read and write the format. The challenge is figuring out how to get from Autocad to OBJ.



# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Christopher Rush wrote:

If you want to stick with AutoCAD, have you tried TORAD.lsp that has been posted (with modification as required for your version)?

My 2 cents on other options...

I would comment that Rhino and Sketchup both produce good OBJ files that can be converted with obj2rad. You will have to start paying attention to material assignments (instead of or in addition to layers that you would have been used to in AutoCAD). Rhino is probably more expensive, but handles curved geometry much better, and has a more flexible command line interface similar to AutoCAD. Sketchup focuses on being more intuitive, but can be limited in some ways like coordinate entry. Sketchup has the su2rad plugin, and Rhino now has DIVA for additional options to get models into Radiance based simulations.

Lars has suggested FormZ, which seems comparable to Rhino but maybe less popular.

There is also Blender, which is an open source software similar to 3DSMax. It claims to export to OBJ, so may be a good try for a free test before putting money into another modeling package.
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Currently, I mainly use Revit and Rhino to convert fbx to obj, following
Jack's advice. It works well. If you stick to AutoCAD, besides using torad
or dxf2rad or radout, you may also consider the following approaches.

     (1) export dxf/dwg from AutoCAD
     (2) import dxf to Ecotect (free of charge for student version) OR
import dwg to REVIT (free of charge for student version)
     (3) export rad from Ecotect OR export fbx from Revit.
        (3.1) if you get fbx file, you should use FBX converter provided by
autodesk (free) to get an older obj file and then use Rhino or others (not
sure) to rebuild surface normal because there is likely someting wrong with
the obj file directly exported by revit.
        (3.2) if you export rad directly from Ecotect, you should assign
materials in Ecotect to get .mat file.



On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Jack de Valpine <[email protected]> wrote:


I would agree with Christopher on Rhino and Sketchup. Blender does export
obj also and does seem to be a robust application, although my main
experience with it has been testing it to process obj geometry.

I think the challenge is figuring out a suitable workflow for those who
need to use Autocad for whatever reason.... However the traditional options
(TORAD and RADOUT) are pretty ancient at this point and have the following

  * TORAD - if I recall correctly this still only deals with surface
    geometry which is fine if you know how to model this way...
  * RADOUT - same issue as TORAD with respect to geometry and the last
    version of Autocad that it could run in was Autocad 2000

For me I think that the most suitable intermediate geometry format is OBJ.
It is open and there are lots of applications that can read and write the
format. The challenge is figuring out how to get from Autocad to OBJ.


# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Christopher Rush wrote:

If you want to stick with AutoCAD, have you tried TORAD.lsp that has been
posted (with modification as required for your version)?

My 2 cents on other options...

I would comment that Rhino and Sketchup both produce good OBJ files that
can be converted with obj2rad. You will have to start paying attention to
material assignments (instead of or in addition to layers that you would
have been used to in AutoCAD). Rhino is probably more expensive, but handles
curved geometry much better, and has a more flexible command line interface
similar to AutoCAD. Sketchup focuses on being more intuitive, but can be
limited in some ways like coordinate entry. Sketchup has the su2rad plugin,
and Rhino now has DIVA for additional options to get models into Radiance
based simulations.

Lars has suggested FormZ, which seems comparable to Rhino but maybe less

There is also Blender, which is an open source software similar to 3DSMax.
It claims to export to OBJ, so may be a good try for a free test before
putting money into another modeling package.
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First, I would recommend dxf2rad, not torad or radout.

Second, modelers ar great, but often lack precision you need for building models. You do not need nurbs for most architectural simulation, but good precision. That is why I mentioned formz, maybe Rhino offers the same. Blender is not made for this (but good for conversion and such, as it supports quite a lot of formats and geometry functions).

I had mentioned the option to use brlcad for one simple reason. Autocad is popular, but a horror for people who want to keep their project data in standard formats. They change format support from version to version and keep the dwg format closed and it's development unpredictable. Keeping only the geometry (obj) is not a good solution. So I have been looking for options to link Radiance to open and standardized formats. IGES is one, STEP another. A lot of Cad software supports these. And as brlcad can convert them into obj on the command-line, it is possible to keep all geometry in such Cad formats and convert on the fly. I think for people who want to access their projects 10 years later a great advantage, and the only reason I mention it here.

About texteditors, it depends on the project. A lot of simulation models require little detail, but high precision. And using genbox and Co not only avoids leaks, but makes sure that you control surface normal orientation. But it all depends on needed complexity of geometry and on what you want to do with yor model.

Cheers, Lars.


Dipl.-Ing. Architect Lars O. Grobe

On Aug 6, 2010, at 23:21, Jack de Valpine <[email protected]> wrote:


I would agree with Christopher on Rhino and Sketchup. Blender does export obj also and does seem to be a robust application, although my main experience with it has been testing it to process obj geometry.

I think the challenge is figuring out a suitable workflow for those who need to use Autocad for whatever reason.... However the traditional options (TORAD and RADOUT) are pretty ancient at this point and have the following problems:

  * TORAD - if I recall correctly this still only deals with surface
    geometry which is fine if you know how to model this way...
  * RADOUT - same issue as TORAD with respect to geometry and the last
    version of Autocad that it could run in was Autocad 2000

For me I think that the most suitable intermediate geometry format is OBJ. It is open and there are lots of applications that can read and write the format. The challenge is figuring out how to get from Autocad to OBJ.


# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Christopher Rush wrote:

If you want to stick with AutoCAD, have you tried TORAD.lsp that has been posted (with modification as required for your version)?

My 2 cents on other options...

I would comment that Rhino and Sketchup both produce good OBJ files that can be converted with obj2rad. You will have to start paying attention to material assignments (instead of or in addition to layers that you would have been used to in AutoCAD). Rhino is probably more expensive, but handles curved geometry much better, and has a more flexible command line interface similar to AutoCAD. Sketchup focuses on being more intuitive, but can be limited in some ways like coordinate entry. Sketchup has the su2rad plugin, and Rhino now has DIVA for additional options to get models into Radiance based simulations.

Lars has suggested FormZ, which seems comparable to Rhino but maybe less popular.

There is also Blender, which is an open source software similar to 3DSMax. It claims to export to OBJ, so may be a good try for a free test before putting money into another modeling package.
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Thanks for all who helped me!

Cheers :slight_smile:



First, I would recommend dxf2rad, not torad or radout.

Second, modelers ar great, but often lack precision you need for
building models. You do not need nurbs for most architectural
simulation, but good precision. That is why I mentioned formz, maybe
Rhino offers the same. Blender is not made for this (but good for
conversion and such, as it supports quite a lot of formats and
geometry functions).

I had mentioned the option to use brlcad for one simple reason.
Autocad is popular, but a horror for people who want to keep their
project data in standard formats. They change format support from
version to version and keep the dwg format closed and it's development
unpredictable. Keeping only the geometry (obj) is not a good solution.
So I have been looking for options to link Radiance to open and
standardized formats. IGES is one, STEP another. A lot of Cad software
supports these. And as brlcad can convert them into obj on the command-
line, it is possible to keep all geometry in such Cad formats and
convert on the fly. I think for people who want to access their
projects 10 years later a great advantage, and the only reason I
mention it here.

About texteditors, it depends on the project. A lot of simulation
models require little detail, but high precision. And using genbox and
Co not only avoids leaks, but makes sure that you control surface
normal orientation. But it all depends on needed complexity of
geometry and on what you want to do with yor model.

Cheers, Lars.

Dipl.-Ing. Architect Lars O. Grobe

On Aug 6, 2010, at 23:21, Jack de Valpine <[email protected]> wrote:


I would agree with Christopher on Rhino and Sketchup. Blender does
export obj also and does seem to be a robust application, although
my main experience with it has been testing it to process obj

I think the challenge is figuring out a suitable workflow for those
who need to use Autocad for whatever reason.... However the
traditional options (TORAD and RADOUT) are pretty ancient at this
point and have the following problems:

  * TORAD - if I recall correctly this still only deals with surface
    geometry which is fine if you know how to model this way...
  * RADOUT - same issue as TORAD with respect to geometry and the last
    version of Autocad that it could run in was Autocad 2000

For me I think that the most suitable intermediate geometry format
is OBJ. It is open and there are lots of applications that can read
and write the format. The challenge is figuring out how to get from
Autocad to OBJ.


# Jack de Valpine
# president
# visarc incorporated
# http://www.visarc.com
# channeling technology for superior design and construction

Christopher Rush wrote:

If you want to stick with AutoCAD, have you tried TORAD.lsp that
has been posted (with modification as required for your version)?

My 2 cents on other options...

I would comment that Rhino and Sketchup both produce good OBJ files
that can be converted with obj2rad. You will have to start paying
attention to material assignments (instead of or in addition to
layers that you would have been used to in AutoCAD). Rhino is
probably more expensive, but handles curved geometry much better,
and has a more flexible command line interface similar to AutoCAD.
Sketchup focuses on being more intuitive, but can be limited in
some ways like coordinate entry. Sketchup has the su2rad plugin,
and Rhino now has DIVA for additional options to get models into
Radiance based simulations.

Lars has suggested FormZ, which seems comparable to Rhino but maybe
less popular.

There is also Blender, which is an open source software similar to
3DSMax. It claims to export to OBJ, so may be a good try for a free
test before putting money into another modeling package.
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