Hi Randolph,
thanks for chasing this up. My comments are below...
Encoding considerations: Binary preferred. This is a binary image
type with a text header; "binary" or "base64" are the only
reasonable choices.
Applications that use this media type: Radiance, HDR Workshop,
Photoshop, TBD
+++ pfstools
more here: http://luxal.dachary.org/webhdr/software.shtml
.hdr is listed as RGBE
Additional information:
Magic number(s): Text "#?RADIANCE\n" (octet sequence 23 3f 52 41
44 49 41 4e 43 45 0a) at the beginning of the file
File extension(s): pic, hdr
Macintosh file type code(s): TBD
--- The .pic extension is officially dead and buried. Stick to .hdr.
It might be worthwhile also aiming for .rgbe and .xyze
+++ I don't think #?RADIANCE\n is quite good enough. It also matches
octrees (FORMAT=Radiance_octree). I would suggest that
FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe or FORMAT=32-bit_rle_xyze needs to be in the
specs as well. The problem is that they don't have a fix position,
since this depends on the commands which were used to generate the
I believe this is what the offset thingy is there for (although this
particular line does not work somehow):
<match type="string" value="FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe" offset="0:500"/>
Here is a full .hdr header:
oconv skies/sky.mat materials/barnsley2.mat skies/sky.rad
objects/barnsley-1.8m_7.5deep.rad objects/lightshelf_horizontal2.rad
rpict -vu 0 0 1 -vf views/floor2.vf -x 1600 -y 1600 -ps 4 -pt .08 -dp
1024 -ar 80 -ms 0.08 -ds .3 -dt .1 -dc .5 -dr 1 -sj .7 -st .1 -ab 4
-af tmp/b2.amb -aa .1 -ad 1536 -as 392 -av 0.01 0.01 0.01 -lr 8 -lw
SOFTWARE= RADIANCE 3.8 lastmod Mon Dec 3 11:50:14 GMT 2007 by root on
VIEW= -vtl -vp 3.75 3.75 1.5 -vd 0 0 -1 -vu -1 0 0 -vh 7.5 -vv 7.5 -vo
0 -va 0 -vs 0 -vl 0
CAPDATE= 2008:03:13 12:04:37
pfilt -r .6 -x /2 -y /2
<blank line>
-Y 800 +X 800
... and an octree header:
oconv materials/barnsley.mat skies/sky.mat objects/gnd_floor.rad
objects/top_floor.rad skies/sky.rad objects/lightshelf_sloped.rad
<blank line>
Would you mind if I forwarded your email to the pfstools mailing list?
I'd be happy to act as a gatekeeper and feed you only sensible
comments back. Can I leave the username/password in there?