Problem with getting correct irradiance from sky dome

Dear List,

I have problems getting trustworthy irradiances in a scene where I am using a 180 degree light source as a sky dome. For testing purposes I have created the following very simple setup: a groundplane with normal (0 0 1), and a 180 degree source with direction vector (0 0 1), the radiance of the source is RGB=(1 1 1) (unity radiance). I set the camera to look straight down on the groundplane and render using rpict -i to get irradiances. In theory such a source should result in an irradiance at the groundplane of exactly pi, but when I render I get approx.RGB=(4.77 4.77 4.77)

Any ideas for explanations? Any ideas for how to correct this?


The scene.rad file:


# Materials
void plastic perfectlambert
5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0

!genbox perfectlambert groundplane 10000 10000 0.5 | xform -t -5000 -5000 -0.25

# Illumination environment: a 180 degree unity radiance skydome
void light skyradiance
3 1 1 1

skyradiance source TheSky
4 0 0 1 180.0

The render parameters:

rpict -i -x 1024 -y 1024 -ab 4 -aw 1 -ps 1 -dt 0.0 -dr 3 -dp 8192 -ds 0.01 -dj 0.9 -dc 0.8 -u -vf scene.vp

And the scene.vp file:
rview -vtv -vp 0.0 0.0 10.0 -vd 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -vu 0 1 0 -vh 45 -vv 45

"Radiance is kind of like a big pile of rope to hang yourself with."
- Greg Ward

First compile: "Hmm.. this collar feels tighter than usual."
First three months: Pink rash around the neck.
Year one: Rash changes from pink to 'angry' red.
Year three: Rash turns to hard skin.
Year ten: Hard skin has now become thick calluses.

After two decades of using Radiance your neck will blunt the blade of a guillotine. But you will find it difficult trying to look over your shoulder. A small price to pay -- for having so much fun along the way.

Thanks, Greg.



Dr. John Mardaljevic
Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development
De Montfort University
The Gateway
+44 (0) 116 257 7972
+44 (0) 116 257 7981 (fax)

[email protected]