Thanks for the valuable information. I'm using Lightwave for modelling and
after inspecting the .obj file I used I can see that I'm missing the
information for vertex normal and UV-coordinates. I get the folowing out of
my .obj exports :
# OBJ File Generated by LightWave3D
# LightWave3D OBJ Export v2.2
# Object: 1
# Vertices: 32
# Points: 0
# Lines: 0
# Faces: 36
# Materials: 1
o 1
# Vertex list
v 1.5 1.5 0.7
v 1.65 1.5 0.740192
v 1.575 1.6299 0.740192
v 1.425 1.6299 0.740192
v 1.35 1.5 0.740192
v 1.425 1.3701 0.740192
v 1.575 1.3701 0.740192
v 1.75981 1.5 0.85
v 1.6299 1.725 0.85
v 1.3701 1.725 0.85
v 1.24019 1.5 0.85
v 1.3701 1.275 0.85
v 1.6299 1.275 0.85
v 1.8 1.5 1
v 1.65 1.75981 1
v 1.35 1.75981 1
v 1.2 1.5 1
v 1.35 1.24019 1
v 1.65 1.24019 1
v 1.75981 1.5 1.15
v 1.6299 1.725 1.15
v 1.3701 1.725 1.15
v 1.24019 1.5 1.15
v 1.3701 1.275 1.15
v 1.6299 1.275 1.15
v 1.65 1.5 1.25981
v 1.575 1.6299 1.25981
v 1.425 1.6299 1.25981
v 1.35 1.5 1.25981
v 1.425 1.3701 1.25981
v 1.575 1.3701 1.25981
v 1.5 1.5 1.3
# Point/Line/Face list
usemtl Default
f 3 2 1
f 4 3 1
f 5 4 1
f 6 5 1
f 7 6 1
f 2 7 1
f 3 9 8 2
f 10 9 3 4
f 11 10 4 5
f 12 11 5 6
f 13 12 6 7
f 2 8 13 7
f 9 15 14 8
f 16 15 9 10
f 17 16 10 11
f 18 17 11 12
f 19 18 12 13
f 8 14 19 13
f 15 21 20 14
f 22 21 15 16
f 23 22 16 17
f 24 23 17 18
f 25 24 18 19
f 14 20 25 19
f 21 27 26 20
f 28 27 21 22
f 29 28 22 23
f 30 29 23 24
f 31 30 24 25
f 20 26 31 25
f 27 32 26
f 28 32 27
f 32 28 29
f 32 29 30
f 31 32 30
f 26 32 31
# End of file
I will now investigate on a new obj exporter.
@ [email protected]
www www.VELUX.com
Ian Tester
<[email protected]>
Sent by: [email protected]
radiance-general-bounces@rad cc
Re: [Radiance-general] OBJ2MESH - Phong smooth shading and texture mapping
15-02-2006 15:44
Please respond to
Radiance general discussion
Stationery name:
To check UV-coordinates check the lines starting with "f ".
The three or four sets of numbers have the form<vertex index>/<uv-coord>/<vertex normal>
If no uv-coord is present the field will be empty (like "1//1").
Almost. Sorry to nitpick, but all of the numbers in the face 'f' lines are
indexes. The preceding 'v' lines define vertex coordinates (x,y,z), the
'vt' lines defined texture coordinates (u,v), and 'vn' lines defined
normals (x,y,z).
v 0.485127 -1.896 1.33107
vt 4.03466 -0.392051
vn -0.0165774 -0.999061 0.0400231
f 352/1/1 358/2/1 364/3/1
All indexes start from 1. If there are no texture coordinates or a surface
normal for a face, those fields are left blank like you showed.
f 352// 358// 364//
Is this what you're seeing, Nicholas? If it is, you have to find a way to
produce a .obj file with this information. I can't be of much help
there. Otherwise obj2mesh and Radiance have nothing to work on. Then your
only option is to write your own functions for texture mapping and normal
On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 13:57:52 +0100 Thomas Bleicher <[email protected]> wrote:
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