Modeling a flat-screen monitor

Hi Nathaniel,

You should check out Niloofar Moghbel's Ph.D. dissertation at:

It has a whole section on VDT modeling that may be useful. A summary of her work may be found in her workshop presentations at:




From: Nathaniel Jones <[email protected]>
Date: February 19, 2014 8:51:03 AM PST

I'm trying to model a computer screen for glare analysis in Radiance. I have measured luminance values for the monitor showing white and black screens in a dark room, as well as spectrophotometer reflectance data on the screen while off. Currently, I'm modeling it using a generic glass material in front of a glow material, but this creates a lot of specular reflection in rpict renderings that doesn't match up with observations. Does anyone have suggestions for creating more accurate Radiance materials to model the monitor?

