2018 International Radiance Workshop - programme filling up!

Dear Colleagues,

Things have progressed a little quicker than usual and there are just a handful of presentation slots still available (deadline has been extended). If you hope to give a presentation at the Workshop but do not yet have the abstract ready, please send a title in any case ASAP (with name of the presenter) so we can use it both as a placeholder and to help with scheduling the programme. If you have already sent an abstract/title but not yet registered, then please do so soon to secure the presentation slot.

Still plenty of spaces for (non-presenting) attendees - but please don’t leave it too late.


Eleonora Brembilla
John Mardaljevic

2018 International Radiance Workshop
3-5 September 2018, Loughborough University, UK

W: http://climate-based-daylighting.com/doku.php?id=radiance2018
E: [email protected]
T: https://twitter.com/radiance2018